Offer lifts to anywhere. Get rides to anywhere. Yohgo gets you where you want to go for free.
Offer lifts to anywhere. Get rides to anywhere. Yohgo gets you where you want to go for free.
Do a favour for somebody and transfer the benefit to someone else.
Fix things locally and use the Yohgos anywhere in the World.
Use the benefit of your efforts for your family. Get your children back from college for the weekend.
Find any service you need. Post what you like to do. Get someone else to do the jobs you dislike.
Swap any service for any other. People always need childminders and babysitters.
Slash the cost of your night out. No need for a designated driver. Get to restaurants without using a taxi.
Get a grind for free. If you are a teacher you can help someone else.
Make the chores you dislike disappear. Use your talents.
Save on delivery costs. It is like giving someone a lift.
Yohgo keeps things fair.
Do a free favour, get a free favour. The Yohgo fairness platform improves everyone's life by extending what people already do for their family and close friends to others in the wider Yohgo community. Yohgo makes sure that the favours you do for others are returned to you. This circle of favours can be infinitely extended. It creates many opportunities to exchange lifts and services. This permits exchanges with people you do not yet know without them taking advantage of you.
You don't need money. Yohgo does this using a points system called Yohgos and not money. Transactions in Yohgos are not financial. Since no money is involved, there is no income. Yohgos are not convertible to any currency. We only hold records of individual agreements for the time necessary to allow for safety and dispute resolution. To reduce the costs of maintaining the service, Yohgo only keeps details of your transaction information for three months. This is in keeping with our Privacy Policy and to comply with Data Protection Legislation.
Yohgo is about fairness. We use Yohgos to keep things fair. You can barter lifts or services you have to offer for any other lifts or services you require. Yohgo is great for communities but it is not altruism.
Your favours will always be returned. Yohgo ensures that the favours you do for others will be returned to you, but not necessarily by the same person.
Download the App to your phone.
Sign up to create an account.
You must provide your email and phone number. We will send you a link to validate your email address. The more complete your profile is, the easier it is for potential partners to contact you.
At each stage of the Profile completion process, we give you some more Yohgos. The more you complete your profile the more initial Yohgos you get.
Keep your profile accurate as it will used in the rating process by other Yohgo users.
The trust will build as the platform expands. This way everyone benefits.
What are you good at? Where are you going to? What do you like doing that a neighbour in your local, national or international community can benefit from? By putting you in touch with the person who is seeking the skill or service that you are offering, Yohgo enables sharing, exchanging, and trading and a return to the community values of old in the process. Yohgo through Yohgos makes sure there is a reciprocal favour so your efforts are not taken for granted.
If you drive the same route every day you could, with little inconvenience, give someone a lift. They can either return the favour directly to you or to someone else in the group. Your use of your Yohgos lets you determine whether it is you, your family, relatives or friends who benefit.
Contact us if you would like to launch Yohgo in your area, group or community.
We will set you up with all you need to make it work.
Remember everyone decides when they are available, what jobs they take and from whom.
You decide the Yohgo value of the service you offer.